Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

Tips and Tricks Speed Up Completion of Thesis

The final stage of education of a graduate student who is taking graduate school (S2) is preparing a thesis. Sometimes students are confused about how to get started and how through the process quickly let theses completed on schedule with good results. Here are tips and tricks to speed up the completion of thesis writing that comes from personal experience:
1) Adjust the master degree with a concentration of research topics that we take, for example if the concentration is taken as marketing management choose a topic related to marketing
2) a topic that is taken to contain the phenomenon of the problem and fit with our interests, the topic was originally taken in accordance with empirical facts in a place that becomes the object of our study, for example, a topic that is taken on the purchase decision or the decision to choose a product by the customer. reason the topic was taken as a research topic, for example because of problems at the site of the research phenomenon that a decline in the number of purchases of such products. Make your customer's buying decision behavior as a research variable is bound (dependent variables) are denoted by the variable Y.
3) Find the independent variable / predictor / predictor variables on the dependent variable. Predictor variable is usually denoted by the variable X. to find out these predictor variables, we can read the theories as much as possible related to the topic of research, the results of previous research, and direct observation of the facts on the ground. predictor variables for instance customer's purchasing decision is the marketing mix (X1) and the quality of service (X2).
4) after making sure the alleged relationship and the influence of predictor variables on the dependent variable, both empirically and theoretically, we then make the hypothesis that adequate (logical) and coherent in accordance with the theory that we get from the experts.
5) Perform operational tabulation of variables and the design of hypothesis testing. Hypothesis testing can be done either by parametric or non parametric statistics depending on the type of data we examine. eg for data with nominal and ordinal scale can be completed with non-parametric statistical tests that do not require normality of data, statistical sample which can be used are Mcnemar test or spearman rank correlation. As for data with interval or ratio scale can use parametric statistics; that require prior testing for validity, reliability, and normality of data. parametric statistics that can be used is multiple regression or path analysis.
6) well testing model parametric and non parametric statistics can be completed with the help of SPSS software (statistical package for Social Science) version 17, while for the path analysis can use the software LISREL (linear structural relationship).
1. Discard feeling lazy as far as possible, remember the college so lazy to add more time, add the cost of tuition or drop-out threat
2. Cultivate a desire to become the first pass and the best
3. Valiant warrior mentality, assuming that you're fighting on the battlefield against your own laziness
4. Instil confidence, the success of the study a step and you certainly can
5. last ............ and most importantly, Always Pray for strength in Allah swt that you are given the ease in completing your assignment
Thus brothers  may be useful.
Sources: Personal Experience as Graduate Program Education resolve to achieve Master of Management degree at the College of Management IMMI Jakarta-Indonesia

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